The Importance of Diabetic Foot Care

Valley Stream Podiatry - DIabetic Foot Care

Diabetic Foot Care is highly important to preserving feet for those afflicted with diabetes. This disease can cause many problems due to increased blood sugar levels that damage nerves and slow down healing. Those that have long-term diabetes have a higher chance of developing severe foot complications because of nerve issues and infections. One particular way of fighting diabetes is by using shoes specially made for this purpose since they are made with special materials and in appropriate sizes. These shoes have taller and broader toe boxes that give the toes extra space to move, minimizing the chances of injuries. They also provide support for the feet and have deeper grooves that allow for orthotics to be placed in securely.

Diabetes causes foot muscles to act abnormally since nerves become easily damaged. Moreover, foot ulcers can develop much easier since nerve damage makes it difficult to feel when the feet have become injured. Ulcers happen as openings in the skin of the foot that reveal the muscles underneath. Blood is reduced and numbness increases. Amputations can happen since blood flow has become disturbed, causing wounds to take longer to heal and cause havoc thereafter.

Other treatment for this condition includes:

  • Diabetics must examine their feet daily by checking all parts of the feet, especially on the bottom where it is hard to see.

  • Feet should be washed daily. Be sure to avoid hot water temperatures and check the water with your hands before washing feet. The feet may not be able to discern the temperature of the water if nerve damage has caused diminished sensations.

Our caring podiatry staff in Valley Stream, New York are here for you. Our Foot Doctors Dr. Andrew Shapiro, Dr. Michael Barkin and Dr. Sajni Shah can help you to manage your feet with proper techniques that may help to ensure their longevity in the face of diabetes. Please book an appointment on-line or  by calling our office at (516) 825-3860.   Contact us today at Valley Stream Podiatry and learn about other foot and ankle conditions that could be caused by your diabetic ailment.