Foot Feeling Pins & Needles - Is That Normal?

Imagine you’re walking your usual route for an evening stroll and you notice about one third of the way through, your foot starts to burn. Maybe it’s a nerve burning, like that of feeling pins and needles, or it’s more of a muscle burning. Is this normal?

Short answer: no, never!

Long answer: there is a lot that can cause this burning pain, and there is only one way to address it… by seeing a podiatrists like Andrew Shapiro, DPM, Michael Barkin, DPM, Sajni Shah, DPM at Valley Stream Podiatry! There are plenty of warning signs your body is shouting at you, yet it can still be difficult at times to listen. Here are a few ways to tell if what you’re experiencing is NOT normal:

  • This sensation happens even when you’re not performing a strenuous task, like simply walking a block or down the aisle at the grocery store.

  • The discomfort stops you in your tracks when it happens. Even if it seems to go away after a moment, it happens more than once per week.

  • You’ve noticed that wearing a certain pair of shoes either relieves this sensation and makes it happen less often or seems to irritate it and you experience this discomfort more often.

  • When you’re sitting with your feet flat on the floor, one or both feet feel uncomfortable. This is at least partially relieved by putting your feet up higher.

While these four ways to tell if what you’re experiencing is NOT normal are helpful, they are certainly not the only ways to tell your feet need a podiatrist. Don’t let that nagging, burning discomfort turn into full blown pain! Talk to Andrew Shapiro, DPM, Michael Barkin, DPM, Sajni Shah, DPM by scheduling an appointment.

Our practice is conveniently located on West Merrick Road in Valley Stream to accommodate all of your foot care needs. Call today: (516) 825-3860 !